Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Straits Times 29 Apr 2008

Hey all,

There's an article on a genetic eye disease.

What's a genetic disease anyway?

This disease is caused by a lack of, or a faulty copy of a gene necessary for vision.

So, scientists try to use gene therapy to replace the copy of the faulty gene.

What's gene therapy huh?

The article mentions the use of viruses to do the job of transferring genes. This is a topic I taught to some JC students. Enjoy!

Gotta start somewhere

Hello people,

This is what I'm gonna try. Use blog for your learning. Or for making announcements. Yes, I know, there's KM... we'll just try and see whether this is as good or better.

What do I want to achieve with this blog?
-Announcement making
-Sharing bio trivia, daily phenomenon that's outside the scope of the classrooom but of general daily interest (I find that I sustain my interest in different subjects not so much for the sake of exams but for the sake that I can relate it to daily events.

Here's the link to the slides generously contributed by the students of 08IP01 and 08IP02.
If you spot any mistakes along the way, pls dun start yelling at Mr Lye or the people who made them. Share it with us so that we can make positve corrections and collectively improve. Now, that's real learning.

Point to this link for a zip file of the slides: http://www.mediafire.com/?0e5n9n05jfd