Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Announcement: 08IP01 and 08IP02 bio lessons

For your bio double period tmr (8 May, Thur):

1. Go to IS lab as usual
2. Bring your endocrine worksheet
3. We will try to fill out the blanks in the worksheet
4. Finish up with feedback loops in the endocrine system
5. Revise for term test
6. If we can finish everything in 2 periods, good. If not, see you the period after (We'll find out if the IS lab is free. If it isn't, may try to use an empty room at TA block? Climbing isn't so gd for me now)

I hope you enjoyed your free period on Tue =). For your double period on 9 May, Fri:

1. Since you have finished with filling out the worksheet (except the glands part), we'll do the glands part.
2. Revise for term test (I will be asking you questions, either verbal or on paper)

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