Sunday, May 4, 2008

TTSH A n E rox

Hey all,

I fell when blading today. Chinese bone man says I dislocated my right knee, and before he said his sentence, he pulled and cracked my knee! Ouch! And he poked a few holes in my knee before I kn it and using some vacuum device to withdraw blood out. It's quite scary.

My knee hurt after that, so I went to Tan Tock Seng Hospital A n E. The experience was good. Fast and professional. Nowadays, X-rays are taken and uploaded to a system called RADWEB so doctors all over the hospital can look at your X-ray images anytime anywhere. I nearly wanted to ask for my X-ray pictures to bring home for use as my desktop image.

Radiologists, nurses, doctors are all important people in making the world a better place. Not an easy job. My salutes to them.

Anyway, I have a 5 day MC. I hope all of you are prepared to miss lessons. I hope I can be back for lessons though. We'll see how it goes.

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