Thursday, May 1, 2008

The mystery of the colossal squid

Dear all,

Have you read the classic, 20,000 leagues under the sea? Ever saw the movie based on the original novel? In this story, written before there were submarines, tells a tale of men who went under the sea and met many unknown creatures. One of them, is a huge squid that nearly devoured the underwater vessel.

I'm sure you've heard of giant squids. There's another species, with a different scientific name, commonly known as the colossal squid simply because it's known to be larger.

No one has seen an intact specimen of it until recently. Previous specimens were taken from semi-digested food in the sperm whale's stomach (sperm whales are sometimes hunted).

Now, scientists have started dissecting the squid in New Zealand and making exciting discoveries:

(1) It has a eye 27cm in diameter. This is huge. Because the squid has been thawed in a saline solution, osmosis may have taken place and the sample shrunk. Scientists believe the original size to be 40 cm.
Why does it need eyes so large? Wouldn't it be blinded when it reaches the surface? Or does it surface only when it's dark?

BTW, squids are known to have the keenest eyesight of all animals. The largest eyes too.

(2) This squid is believed to be a resident of the abyss. But it sometimes feeds at the surface. Imagine how it copes with pressure.

(3) And they think they are actually looking at an immature specimen. It could be bigger.

(4) The squid has sharp hooks at it's tentacles. It must have been a horrifying predator!

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1 comment:

Miss Hedgehog said...

Haha. I can't believe this site really exists! Ok la...not bad.. quite cool : )